MyGoal Performance Hockey is the product of a long-term dream to create a new concept where anyone who enjoys the game of hockey can come and learn to play, elevate their skills, or simply watch the game being played – all in a unique environment that looks and feels different from your normal everyday arena.
I have had the privilege of working in the hockey industry for close to 30 years already. I have been associated with some of the best brands in Hockey; Mission-Itech Hockey and Bauer Hockey. I have spent the better part of my career building the Goalie category for these brands globally. As part of my responsibilities, I had the luxury of working with some of the best professional teams and goalies around the world. I had the chance to visit almost every NHL rink and practice rink in North America, as well as some of the most amazing rinks across Europe.
I have always been amazed at the practice facilities and the setups that Pro players have at their disposal. In one location players are equipped with their own private ice, a fully equipped gym, a health bar, and a player’s lounge. The teams provide their players with the comfort and amenities they need to be able to focus on their sport and help them perform to the highest level they can.
Having experienced what Pro players had, I always dreamed of creating this kind of environment for athletes of all levels. MyGoal Performance Hockey is the result of this idea. We have created a true Elite athlete facility accessible to athletes of all ages and levels. When athletes come to MyGoal our objective is to provide them with the feel and service that the Pros get. All of the same Pro luxuries are at their disposal.
We have also built a team of experienced trainers and coaches. We have a team of young trainers that offer some of the most advanced and ‘relevant’ training for today’s athletes. All of our trainers bring a unique level of skill and experience to develop any level of player, in any position of the game. Our team is capable of connecting with players to better understand their needs and abilities, to help them get the best out of themselves. Because we are an Elite Training facility we specialise in small groups and focus on each individuals’ skill traits. All of our trainers believe in the idea that their goal is to help athletes achieve their goals.
Combined with L'Experience MonkeySports, MyGoal truly offers a one-stop shop for all of your hockey needs. Let us guide you in finding the right product for your style and level of play. Then let us help you get the best performance out of your product and your abilities. Together - We are doing hockey better.
I am extremely proud to share my dream with all of you. I invite you to visit MyGoal and see what we have to offer. We are confident that we will be able to help you reach whatever goal you set for yourself. Once again, welcome to MyGoal.​​
Greg Goyer,